Sunday, January 24, 2010

Making it myself...

I am taking a 3-D class at UGF and needed a sketchbook so of course I headed over to Barnes and Noble to see what they had. Liked a lot of the books but never fell in love with one. Just grabbed a spiral bound black one that said sketchbook on the front. Also found a book of old pin ups and two magazines I read (I love how they have a selection of NICE magazines) got to the line to pay and realized I left my wallet in my backpack at home. What a doink. So I asked them to hold everything. While I was driving back I thought geez, why don't I make my own sketchbook! Well here it is!! I bought a sketch pad from michaels for a $1.66, cut it to size and slapped it into the bind it all. I am still not comfortable with this little bugger when clamping the wire down. Any tips?? I also dangled a silver charm and fancy black bead that I had to attach with jump rings. Those little puppies are a pain in the neck. So I stopped off at my friendly bead store to say- I need help or am I just crazy!? She showed me this little tool that is the bomb! Jump rings you have met your match!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Oh la la! i love it.

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